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Doing Business in the Trump Era


During Donald Trump’s campaign speech in 2015, he referred to Mexican immigrants in a derogatory manner. While serving as president the Hispanic community has been under constant attack. This has severely impacted spending within the Hispanic community: it is not uncommon to hear from businesses who for many years focused on providing goods and services to the Hispanic communities complain about slumping sales and diminished traffic into their places of business.

Many companies have noticed their qualified workforce decline – it is not unusual to see help wanted signs. To make matters worse, the immigrants with TPS and DACA recipients are in a constant limbo with regards to their legal status. This has left a void for qualified workers that are unable to obtain some type of permanent resolution to their immigration status.

Today, businesses who cater to Hispanic communities must change and adapt to the new norms. We are challenged with doing more with less; with less workers, less production and less profits, businesses must improve the way business is conducted as all indications show that our country is heading into a recession. El Aviso Magazine, with over 30 years since its inception, has experienced that difficult times bring new opportunities. Hispanic communities have had the tendency to thrive during difficult times, and we as business people must now keep our eyes open for new opportunities.

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