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Globally, one out of five employees experience loneliness everyday, and younger staff are even more prone to the feeling.

According to the Gallup State of the Global Workplace Report released on June 12, as many as 20% of employees globally experience daily loneliness. For those who always work from home and workers under the age of 35, loneliness is even more common at 22% and 25%, respectively.

Globally, employee wellbeing declined in 2023, particularly among younger employees (under age 35), according to the study. Not only is the global workforce experiencing loneliness, but stress, sadness, and anger are also on the rise, according to the Gallup poll.

“The global deterioration of mental health is concerning. Some worry we’re spiraling out of control,” Gallup CEO Jon Clifton said in the report.

“If humanity’s mental health is rapidly declining during a golden era of progress and prosperity, it would present one of the greatest paradoxes of our time,” he wrote.

This study pulled data from the Gallup World Poll conducted across more than 160 countries and areas globally.

As loneliness becomes endemic, it’s critical to find ways to protect against it. Here’s how you can fight loneliness, according to clinical psychologist Dr. Annabelle Chow:

Understand loneliness: First and foremost, we should notice how we perceive loneliness. Although there is a social stigma around the emotion, it is important to accept that it is a very common, human feeling.

Meaningful connections: “What makes a happy life is meaningful connections,” said Chow. Without this, naturally, people will feel lonely.

Healthy habits: “If I spent my whole weekend on the sofa doing nothing and just doom scrolling, then naturally once you pass the stage of feeling well rested, you’re going to feel lonely,” said Chow. However, having healthy habits and routines in place will help pull you out of those situations.

Environment change: “One recommendation I often offer is taking yourself out of the environment that you find yourself lonely in,” said Chow. “If I have been cooped up in my bedroom the whole day and I feel very lonely, then the immediate action is to get out of my room.”

Ernestine Siu // cnbc.com

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