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A new survey found that of all generations, those born between 1981 and 1996 are the biggest culprits of lying in the workplace and on social media.

Online casino PlayStar surveyed 1,306 participants, half of them male and half of them female, to observe how they lie in different environments. Subjects were from Colorado, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Wisconsin.

The findings showed that millennials were the worst offenders, with 13% copping to being dishonest at least once a day.

By contrast, only 2% of baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, fibbed once per day.

Generation Z (1997 to 2021) and Generation X (1965 to 1980) have much more in common than they thought, too. In both groups, only 5% admitted to daily deception.

Where are they lying exactly?

Nearly a third of millennials surveyed conceded to fabricating their resumes this year. And it seems the workplace is the house of lies, with two in five millennials revealing they have lied to the boss “to avoid embarrassment in the workplace,” according to PlayStar.

Another hotbed for deceit? Social media

Almost a quarter of millennials (23%) and one in five Gen Z’ers (21%) said they have lied on social media this year to impress people. It’s no wonder given that millennials are “focusing more on money, image and fame” than previous generations, according to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

In contrast, 79% of total respondents claim to have never told a fib online, the survey found. And honesty is the best policy for other generations; Nine in 10 Gen X respondents (89%) and four in five boomers (86%) claimed they have been fully honest on social media this year.

The survey also showed to watch out for men, as they are 10% more likely to lie on social media than women.

As a whole, more men (26%) confessed to telling a fib once a day compared to women (23%).

But the lies aren’t always meant to be harmful. While 58% told untruths to avoid embarrassment and 42% lied to protect their privacy.

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