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Print is Alive and Thriving


For a couple of years rumors have been spreading that print is dying; my reality is that print is alive and thriving. Print is doing so well that some of the most savvy business entrepreneurs have opted to add print media to their holdings. Jeff Bezos the world’s wealthiest man, purchased the Washington Post for $250m from Graham family who owned it for 80 years. Biotech billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong purchased The Los Angeles Times along with The San Diego Union-Tribune, for $500 million. In fact, most companies, including the technology industry have a print budget and use print advertising to convey a message or to introduce a new products or services.
Magazines have always had life cycles, just because a publication closes its doors it doesn’t mean the entire print industry is on the verge of collapse. While other traditional media have experienced a decline in audience, magazine circulation is stable.
Print is a good investment, it has shelf life, it does not disappear with a click and there is no off switch. Unless purposely discarded, it remains in the near vicinity of the reader as a constant reminder and as a quick reference.
Overall, print magazine circulation remains stable, both print and digital magazine readership is increasing. In a larger context, when discretionary products experience sales declines, a free publication such as El Aviso Magazine offers stability and continuity for the audience it serves. If you want to know how your company can benefit from over 30 years of stability and continuity, give us a call at (323) 586-9199 we’re happy to help.

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