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Reducing Exposure during Holiday Festivities


We at El Aviso Magazine would like you and your family to enjoy this festive season without having the worries and headaches that are sometimes brought by celebrations gone bad. We want you to avoid pitfalls with unwanted circumstances when celebrating the holidays that every so often get derailed.

Holidays are filled with happiness and cheer, often companies have parties to encourage friendship among their employees. More often than not alcoholic beverages are consumed at these types of events and sometimes overindulgence plays a role at these parties. We all know the dangers of driving under the influence, companies must plan on what to do in case someone had a little too much to drink. When organizing a party consider limiting the amount of alcohol that is consumed by individuals, if your office is hosting the party control the amount of alcohol you will serve, it is better to run out than to have an overabundance. Have plenty of food and non-alcoholic beverages in order to provide other options to consume.  If you’re party is off site, perhaps you can hand out a limited amount drink tickets or have a cash bar. Have someone from management staff stay until the end to ensure everyone makes it home safe. If someone becomes inebriated be ready to call a taxi or a ride share to make sure they get home safely, it is better to pay a cab fare than to deal with an unfortunate incident.

We at El Aviso Magazine would like to extend our warmest greetings to you, your family and friends. We want you to have a safe, happy and festive holiday season. From the bottom of our heart we wish you all the best…

Happy Holidays…

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