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What does Marketing mean?


Dictionary.com defines marketing as, “the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.”
Marketing is a process where one creates consumer awareness and interest. Branding, advertising, Web design, Social networking are some components of marketing as well as public relations.
Branding is an association folks have with a product or service, it is the promotion of a company, organization, product or service. It can be interpreted as a guarantee of quality.
Advertising is a key component of marketing, it is the way a company or an organization encourages folks to purchase the products or services that are being offered. An AD can be anything that creates attention towards the things you want to expose.
Web design or Web development is a process of creating a web-site, it includes the webpage layout and graphic design among other things.
Public relations is the art of cultivating relationships and maintaining a positive image and credibility. Public relations can be done by a hired professional or a company representative who is charismatic and knowledgeable about the company and products. Public relations is indispensable when the company’s reputations is being challenged.
Social Networking can be accomplished by using social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn etc…to interact with website users. A Social network is a community of individuals whom one can establish a connection and build a relationship.
Email Marketing One of the most efficient and most cost effective ways to deliver your message.
SMS/ Text Messaging The point is that people keep their phones handy and are always ready to use them to find information or check the latest social media updates. Plus, open rates for texts vastly surpass email (which dwindles at 24%).
El Aviso Magazine can help you with your marketing needs. El Aviso started in 1988 and has a weekly circulation of 325k copies and is distributed in over 150 cities and neighborhoods. If you need marketing assistance, we can be reached at (323) 586-9199.

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