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5 reasons why every business needs a website


Do you have a business without a website?
It’s unbelievable how in this day in age some people are still skeptical about getting a website for their business with reasoning such as:
“ Websites are expensive”, “ I don’t have the time” or even worse….” I’m busy, I don’t need more customers”.
Did you know how easy is to get a website and you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on building one with all the up to date elements for people to easily find you on-line?
Get this! More than 80% of people research your business or service on-line before they make a purchasing decision. That is over 25 million people searching every day for a product or service on line and still over 40% of business owners still think they don’t need a website….. That is unbelievable! Let’s continue reading to see if I can convince you how essential is to have a website for your business…..

  1. A website can attract more customers to your business. The truth behind is that your business will never close. Potential customers can reach you 24/7 and even on holidays. It can also help you convert your existing referrals into customers when they do their research against your competitors on line.
  2. Credibility and professionalism to your business just by your website existence. Most people now a days are more careful where they spend their money and more than 50% will not likely trust a business without a website. This is your first impression, and having a website will allow you to stand out from others and will showcase your business above the rest.
  3. It’s very easy and not as expensive as you think. You don’t need to be tech savvy to get a website. Many professional web development companies have a very simple signup process to make your decision and process very easy for you

Websites offer a better return on investment than any other form of advertisement. A website should be your first priority.
On top it’s a business expense and it can be a tax write off

  • A website will actually end up help you save time. Whether you are using up your time sending emails, taking calls and serving customers, your website will save you time by providing answers to common questions that your customers may have and this will allow you to spend time on other things that are more important.
  • Positioning of your brand will be accomplished. A website acts as a platform for messaging and shapes the perception of your business in a way that your social media cannot.

A website positions your business in the market to get the exact type of customer your business needs and looks for.
Everyday businesses are reviewed on line, sometimes unknowingly and/or negatively. How can this affect your business? When more than 70% of people who read these reviews believe them…… Combat this negativity by posting positive testimonials on your website.
Did you know El Aviso has a new digital department that can help you with all of your digital marketing needs from websites, Search Engine Optimization and Google AdWords and many more……. contact our team of experts today at El Aviso Digital. 323-794-7770 or find us on line elavisodigital.com

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