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Choosing the right publication to advertise


Before committing to a publication there are certain things you should consider
Select a well-established publication, because continuity builds trust, publications with more time on the market have better audience engagement. Continuous advertisers are perceived being as trustworthy as the publication.
Demographics are important, make sure the publication has the demographics you are targeting. The demographics are found in the media-kit, they can be accessed on-line or, by calling the publication.
Circulation and Distribution is vital, the more magazines that are printed and distributed there will be more opportunities for a consumer to see your ad.
Audited Publications are publications that have been reviewed and verified by an independent third party, they assure the advertiser that the numbers the publication presents are true and correct. The publication’s results are posted on the audit company’s web-site.
Low return rates indicate the publication has engagement with their readership, some publications have accomplished a longer shelf life and are shared with friends and family. Other publications have obtained collectors status, they are traded and sold on web-sites such as E-bay.
El Aviso Magazine is an audited publication established in 1988, with a weekly circulation of 325k it is distributed in over 150 cities and neighborhoods.15% of the audience considers it to be a collector’s item, the weekly audience is about 600k and grows to 971k in a six month period. If you’d like to advertise, we can be reached at (323) 586-9199.

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