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Adapting to the New Norms


Small businesses have always been the backbone of our economy: they are resilient and quick to adapt to changes. It seems that today, businesses are having to adapt to the new norms that are being imposed by the government’s regulations and inability to legislate. The cost of our imported goods have increased due to tariffs being placed on the American consumer. We have a lack of skilled and qualified workforce due to not having comprehensive immigration reform and increased workers’ compensation rates due to false claims. The state of California is adopting the ABC test to determine whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor versus the long established Borello test.

Yes, the way small industries have conducted their businesses in the past has changed. Today small businesses are displaying resiliency by adapting to all of these changes. It is admirable to see how the Hispanic community continues to thrive by adapting their businesses to the new norms. Minority owned businesses continue to succeed despite all that has changed. El Aviso Magazine has been in business for over 30 years, and we have seen continuous change and have always kept up. Today with modern technology, we have added digital platforms to our magazine. If your business needs help entering into the digital era, EL Aviso Magazine can be the connection to your success. Call us at (323) 586-9199 or reach us at info@elavio.com. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

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