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Are Animal Cruelty Free Products Worth Buying?


New generations love to say that they are against many things that affect our world. They are against violence, violence towards women, violence towards children, violence towards our environment, and of course violence towards animals.

In our days, some companies have presented new alternatives for people who love animals. They have presented cruelty free products.

According to Cruelty Free International, over 115 million animals are being used for animal testing worldwide each year. While many brands remain cruelty-free, others have taken the decision to start testing on animals.

Buying cruelty-free products is the best way to say no to animal testing. It is not a secret that animal testing is cruel. I am pretty sure that any of us would love to be tested.

The animals used in experiments are confined in small cages and inhumane conditions. They are tortured, maimed, blinded, and killed. They also have the right to live without pain and suffering.

Laboratory animals are animals too. According to the law, laboratory animals form a special category of animals and they are no protected from animal abuse and cruelty. Even dogs and cats are used as laboratory animals.

In my opinion, all animals have the right to be protected by law. No one deserves to be tortured by people who want to get the best shampoo, the prettiest bag or the best make up.

In our days, there are cruelty free products. You can find make up, nail polish, creams, shampoo, soap, etc. Each year, more and more younger people try their best to find these products because when we buy one cruelty free product, we are protecting an animal. We are helping to save animals from suffering.

Young generations love to look pretty, but at the same time, they love animals. It is why, young generations are trying new alternatives.
Cruelty-free products are a greener option. They contain less chemicals which means that cruelty-free products are better for our skin.

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