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Nowadays, it is common knowledge that Leos are self-absorbed, Scorpios are mysterious and Geminis can switch up their personality at a moment’s notice, just like saying Paris is the capital of France and water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Wherever you go, you cannot escape the “it’s because you’re a [insert astrological sign]” as if your whole being can be summed up by the stars.

Astrology is everywhere you look. There are countless accounts on Twitter and Instagram giving you daily, weekly, and monthly predictions about your life solely based on your sign. There are even accounts focused on one particular sign posting memes and advice alike.

The popularity of astrology among millennials (and Gen Z isn’t far behind either) should be considered a phenomenon. Millennials are considered to be the generation facing the cold, hard truths of life, yet they base their professional and love lives (“don’t date them, they’re an emotional Pisces!”) on the scientifically baseless art of astrology and with good reason.

According to the American Psychological Association, millennials are the most stressed Americans,  and a lot of that stress stems from the uncertainty of the future. Is the world going to burn to a crisp? Are they ever going to retire? Are they ever going to own homes?

It might seem absurd, but astrology actually offers comfort and certainty to the most nail-biting and anxiety-inducing questions, even if it might not be completely accurate.

If you couldn’t get that job or you’re simply having a bad day, it’s probably because Mercury is in retrograde. Your friend got into a fight with you and it’s probably because she is a fiery Aries who explodes easily. It’s easier to tell yourselves these are the answers to your problems than realizing that you are not qualified for half the endeavors that you pursue or that you’re too broke for literally anything.

It truly is comforting and fun to tell yourself these sweet lies. It’s all fun and games, however, millennials should not take this too far and base important

life decisions on the stars instead of logic. Sure, we are to some degree, made up of stardust, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t apply common sense and logic to our own choices.

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