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Working remotely became a necessity during the onset of the pandemic, and many Americans welcomed the change.

As we shift into a post-pandemic norm, more and more companies are adjusting their work-from-home policies to reflect these new expectations. Earlier this year, Forbes reported that remote work is here to stay and is even set to increase in 2023.

How does each generation feel about such a big change?

A recent GOBankingRates survey asked readers for their opinion on remote work.

Gen Z (born from 1997-2012) had the lowest percentage of people say that they’d prefer to work from home, with less than 29%. But Gen Z isn’t exactly avoiding remote work. That would be baby boomers and older Gen Xers, who had the highest percentage of people say they don’t want to work remotely (37%), making them the generation that most wants to return to the office.

While not all of Gen Z wants to work remotely, 27% of them do see working from home as an absolute necessity; more than any other generation.

It’s important to remember that Gen Z is a young generation, with the youngest of them still in middle school. The majority of these ‘zoomers’ haven’t had the chance to enter the workforce. Millennials, however, have had plenty of time. And according to the survey, millennials are actually the generation that most prefers to work from home, followed by baby boomers and Gen X, respectively.

Forty-two percent of people aged 25 to 34 prefer to work from home. Twenty-nine percent of those aged 35 to 44 selected this preference, which includes older millennials and some young Gen Xers. Surprisingly, baby boomers are a bit more keen on working from home than Gen X.

Ashleigh Ray


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