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How to Create an Ad that attracts attention


Today there are tens of thousands of specialty businesses focused on a specific types of products or services used for unique purposes. When it comes to advertising your business, “One Size doesn’t fit all”. This means that each ad must be personalized in order to attract a specific audience. The following items are things to consider before moving forward with the creation an advertisement for your business.
Studies have shown that most of the purchases are made with knowledge and excitement, meaning ads must target two specific areas of the brain in order to provoke emotional interest. First is the Neocortex, it commands higher functions of the brain such as sensory perception, generation of motor commands, spatial reasoning, conscious thought, and language. The second part is the Limbic system, it contains glands that relay emotions. When creating an ad, be sure to give details, also make sure to include an emotional attraction.
A good ad should also consider colors and images, they should be used to make the ad stand out and convey the message properly. However, the problem with colors and images, is that everyone experiences them in a different way, they have different meanings for different persons. There are also persons who are color blind and will not get the full effect of the colors.
Besides the brain, colors and images, your ad must consider the demographics of who you are trying to reach. El Aviso Magazine has over 30 years’ experience creating ads that are reactive. If you need assistance with your advertisement, do not hesitate to call us at (323) 586-9199.

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