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Daily stress can take its toll on your mind and body, which is why sometimes you just need to get completely out of your element to really relax.   A peaceful getaway can not only rejuvenate your body but also clear your mind so you’re totally refreshed when it’s finally time to get back to the real world. We scoured our favorite places around the world and found the destinations where we hope you will find your next relaxing vacation.

Kauai, Hawaii: There are many relaxing places in Hawaii, but Kauai is special. Known as the Garden Island, here you can find empty beaches like Lumahai Beach, as well as breathtaking landscapes like the vast Waimea Canyon State Park. You can also book a sunset cruise of the Nāpali Coast with a tour company like Holo Holo Charters to appreciate the island’s unique geology from the water.  To help you make your vacation the most relaxing possible, there are many wonderful resorts on the island.

Tenorio Volcano National Park, Costa Rica:   Located in northern Costa Rica, Tenorio Volcano National Park is one of the country’s most incredible natural wonderlands, without the crowds that tend to go to parks closer to the coast. Here, Rio Celeste is known for its vivid blue color, almost unlike any other waterfall in the world. The bright color is caused by a reaction of the volcanic chemicals in the water, but against the tropical backdrop and rushing waters, it looks magical.

Banff National Park, Canada: Banff National Park is chock-full of amazing scenery and crystalline lakes, but Lake Louise might be the best (and most relaxing) of them all. Campers and hikers alike can settle by its perfectly blue waters and gaze at mountain views that seem almost too pristine to be real. And it’s quite possibly the perfect relaxing vacation for lovers of the great outdoors.

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