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Spring is in full bloom and what better way to kick start the season with some old fashion spring cleaning!

Cleaning kitchen cabinets and clearing out your closet of the old, unfashionable garb is the usual for this time of year. The pandemic, however, has made spring cleaning less of an event. About 55 percent of people have been deep cleaning their house since last spring due to the stay-at-home orders, according to a survey by the American Cleaning Institute. 

Despite having your bathroom and bedroom squeaky clean, you still might have missed a spot: your social media.

Decluttering your social media is just as necessary as decluttering your desk (perhaps another spot you might have missed). Keeping your social apps nice and tidy can make your social media experience a whole lot more enjoyable, so here are some tips to polish up your apps.

The best way to start clearing out your social media is by doing simple housekeeping. Resetting your passwords, and updating information like your bio and profile pictures are great ways to keep yourself updated, according to social media strategist Scott Kleinberg. Kleinberg especially encourages to change your passwords if you have the same password for multiple social media apps and suggests a password manager app to keep track of this information.

Another good tip to consider is to delete old apps that you no longer use. Apps like Facebook and Snapchat have been losing some traction with millennials and if you’re one of those who hasn’t used an app in more than three months, then it’s very likely that you won’t be using it much in the near future.

Other small, but pesky upkeeping you can do is updating your apps as well as your phone and answering back any emails or direct messages you have been holding off on. This also would be a good time to unsubscribe from any newsletters or automated emails that are piling in your inbox.

The last and most important tip to decluttering your social media apps is to unfollow any page or person who you don’t really interact with as well as pages that might challenge you mental wellbeing. This tip will not only curate your feed to show your true interests, but it will also free up the mental gymnastics we go through when we look at certain content.

Now your social media apps are as neat as a pin and you can move on to clearing out that junk drawer you forgot about. Or not.

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