A Pittsburgh couple whose dog ate an envelope filled with $4,000 cash said they were able to recover $3,550 — but it was dirty work. REALLY!
Clayton Law said he and his wife, Carrie, were having a fence installed at their home in the Point Breeze neighborhood, and the workers requested to be paid in cash, so he left an envelope filled with $4,000 in $100 and $50 bills on the kitchen counter.
Law said he returned to the kitchen about 30 minutes later to find Cecil, the couple’s 7-year-old goldendoodle, making a meal out of the cash.
“I walked back into the room and then all this cash was on the ground. I yelled to Carrie, ‘He ate the money, he ate $4,000.’”
The couple set about trying to reassemble the shredded bills, and came up with $1,500 worth of bills with serial numbers that were intact enough to have them replaced by their bank.
More bills were retrieved when Cecil vomited. The rest of the money involved a lot of waiting — and a whole lot of very dirty work. The couple were able to salvage $3,550.
En un acto de “justicia”, un trabajador en herrería decidió destruir un monumento que él mismo había construido, días después de haber sido inaugurado, esto como represalia de que no le pagaron. EN SERIO!
En redes sociales se volvió viral el video que muestra el momento exacto en el que destruye su propio trabajo.
Según lo que argumentó el herrero, tomó la iniciativa de destruir el acordeón, debido a que sus jefes no le habían pagado a tiempo el salario acordado.
En el video, el hombre aparece con su equipo de soldadura destrozando el monumento.
“Toca así manito, porque a veces las cosas no salen como ellos creen, a veces creen que poner a trabajar a la gente es así de juguete. Yo les enseño cómo es conmigo. Como lo armé lo desarmo, porque lo armé, yo”, dice el trabajador.
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